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ABOUT ME​​​​​​​​​​​​​


My name is Matthew Markstone and I’m a teacher at Santa Maria High School, in Santa Maria, CA. I was born In Santa Maria in 1985, graduated from Santa Maria High School in 2004, and the only time I’ve lived anywhere else was when I attended Humboldt State University from spring of 2006 through fall of 2007. I graduated from Humboldt with a B.A. in European History. Upon completion of my B.A. I moved back to Santa Maria where I attended Chapman University and earned a teaching credential in Social Sciences. During that time I worked two jobs, student taught, subbed, planned a wedding and raised a child. It was pretty awesome.

I’m now married to my awesome, beautiful, and intelligent wife, Amanda Markstone. We have two children, Jack and Poppy. My family is the center of my life, but I spend more time at school than I do at home. It kinda sucks, but most jobs are that way. Together, we live in Santa Maria, just like most of you. I like to play with my kids, watch some survivor shows, and I have ridiculous devotion to baseball. If you happen to see us at the store, maybe you could say hi, unless you are with your friends, then don’t embarrass yourself. It’s totally cool, I understand.

This is my fourth year teaching here at Santa Maria High School, and I love it. I don’t plan on leaving the school anytime soon. If I’m lucky enough to get to teach a class you are in, I hope you enjoy it.  Also, I love coffee. Oh, and I get as excited about history as this guy does about trains...(See video) I hope I can instill this love and interest in you too, as well as teach you how to think about issues critically and make informed decisions about life.

I’d like to meet anyone who stands up for what they believe in... and Stephen Hawking.


I’ll read anything about history, nutrition, kettlebells, or weightlifting.

If you have any questions, or would like to contact me for any reason, please use the contact page to send me an email.

Best wishes,

Matt Markstone



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